2020 Year to Date


Year to Date
Paw Paw Lake
Hardy Dam
Muskegon Lake
Portage Lake
Charlevoix I
Charlevoix II
White Lake
Kalamazoo River


Angler Total With Meeting Paw Paw Lake Hardy Dam Muskegon Lake Portage Lake Charlevoix I Charlevoix II White Kalamazoo River Saddle Lake Trailer Meeting # Meeting Points
Meryl Davis 2142 254 211 63 244 356 289 210 148 83 204 8 80
Daryl DeVries 1752 226 303 236 206 0 201 263 177 0 70 7 70
Dan Hushhower 1484 204 120 81 10 274 229 190 10 147 139 8 80
Dick Frye 1137 196 0 189 0 88 125 171 112 95 101 6 60
Jim Loshbough 1105 105 10 123 92 177 229 190 79 40 0 6 60
Lloyd McGruder 979 0 144 37 10 216 232 0 89 177 34 4 40
Dann Louis 1018 129 0 195 140 45 142 0 31 166 110 6 60
Andy Polishak 974 122 10 154 10 0 218 260 87 0 33 8 80
Ken Wiltse 824 10 0 118 31 232 49 195 10 0 89 9 90
Dan Perk 717 274 10 0 0 0 39 217 117 0 0 6 60
Keith Myrick 680 0 0 71 208 10 10 193 0 118 0 7 70
Bracy Means II 479 0 0 10 10 52 105 219 0 33 0 5 50
David Buday 376 0 0 0 0 0 68 192 96 0 0 2 20
Chris Rork 386 124 33 78 10 32 39 0 10 0 0 6 60
Gene DelaForet 352 206 0 136 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0
Stephen Leatz 112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 92 0 0 2 20

Big Bass - Meryl Davis 5lb - 10oz.  Lake Charlevoix 06-13-2020

Home | Year to Date | Paw Paw Lake | Hardy Dam | Muskegon Lake | Portage Lake | Charlevoix I | Charlevoix II | White Lake | Kalamazoo River | Saddle | Trailer

This site was last updated 01/09/21